Kasane - St. Francis of Assisi Mission
The Independent Mission was established in 2003.
Before that Kasane was served by priests from various missions in Zambia and in Botswana (Maun - 600 km, Francistown - 500 km).
Kasane (ca. 10.000 population) has a small community of Catholics, but very few are from the town itself. It is a classical primary Evangelisation area in strong competition with protestant sects, prosperity churches, syncretic churches and traditional religion.

More info on the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Mission is available on the website: www.catholickasane.homestead.com
Priest in charge: Fr. Ajit Tirkey, svd
The Mission in Kasane is still very young, but the small community is very vibrant, enthusiastic and active. A lot of work waits ahead in the town of Kasane, village of Kazungula (10 km), and later in the distant villages of the Chobe area: Kavimba, Kachikau, Parakarungu, Satau.
20 km from Kasane there is a small settlement of Lesoma. Few Catholics attend the church celebrations in Kasane regularly.
Kasane is becoming a world-famous tourist destination because of spectacular wildlife of the Chobe National Park and surrounding forests.
The largest elephant population on earth lives near Kasane. It is estimated that more than 100 thousand elephants reside in the area around Kasane. Other wildlife species are equally spectacular and provide the main source of income for the local safari industry.
Elephants gathering in the evening to dust themselves with fine sand and mud and to socialise.
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There are a lot of orphaned and vulnerable children in the Town - they are one of the pastoral priorities of the mission.
Click on the logo on the right to go to the website of Bana Ba Ditlou - Children of the Elephants - to find more about the project.