Divine Word Missionaries - SVD - Botswana Province
SVD Spirituality
Prophetic Dialogue – the general chapter of the SVD referred to this term as “deepest and best understanding” of our SVD call to mission (Chapter statements CS 53).

Our preferred dialogue partners:
- people who have no faith community and “faith-seekers”
- people who are poor and marginalized
- people of different cultures
- and people of different religious traditions and secular ideologies.
(15th General Chapter)
Characteristic Dimensions:
- Biblical Apostolate
- Mission Awareness
- Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation
- Communication

They are characteristic dimensions of the Divine Word Missionaries’ life and service.
Our commitment to the fourfold prophetic dialogue is fundamental to our "ad gentes" missionary charism.
The four characteristic dimensions are clearly “missionary” when set in the context of the fourfold prophetic dialogue .

“The Characteristic Dimensions are not the preserve of specialists, but the mark of every SVD”.
They are not only important for our apostolic service but also for all our activities and life – including our internal community life.
“Quarter hour prayer”

God eternal Truth,
we believe in you.
God our strength and our salvation,
we hope in you.
God infinite Goodness,
we love you with our whole heart.
You have sent your Word as Saviour of the world,
let us all be one in him.
Send us the Spirit of your Son,
that we may glorify your name. Amen.